The Brook

The Brook
on Broadwaters


Our vision for The Brook is a simple one. In a state of the art building, with an innovative and visionary inclusive approach and a huge continuum of need, pupils live together in an aspirational learning environment, where every one of those needs is met.

We endeavour to give all of our children experiences that will help them to understand their world, to become self-confident and to be equipped to lead the lives they want to live in the future.

Our safeguarding statement:

We believe that children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind and that we have a responsibility to keep them safe. We will practise in a way that protects children. We will make sure that children, young people and their families know where to go for help if they have a concern.

To achieve this, we have created a school and inclusive learning community where:

  • outstanding teaching and learning is central to everything we do and is challenging, rewarding and fun
  • the school is full of laughter, light, excitement and enthusiasm
  • the curriculum is continuously reinvented by a learning community which is committed to meeting the needs of our pupils
  • communication is central - every pupil will leave the school with an individualised system of communication which can be non-verbal, signed or verbal
  • creativity is placed at the centre of teaching and learning, breaking down the barriers between subjects
  • staff are skilled, reflective practitioners who are themselves continually learning – professionals committed to achieving extraordinary results for their pupils
  • a wide-ranging and highly skilled multidisciplinary team works collaboratively with the school to provide access to the curriculum across the range of pupils
    the environment and curriculum provides every pupil with the opportunity to grow personally, socially and academically to be the best they can be and to develop an overwhelming sense of self confidence and high self esteem within a stimulating and caring environment
  • there are clear boundaries and structures set for the pupils, which are well communicated and consistently reinforced
  • every child is entitled to enjoy their childhood and is kept safe
    the approach across the inclusive community is holistic and one of collaboration, harmony and trust, creating a safe, supportive environment.
    the learning community including parents/carers; governors; friends and supporters are proud of the school and actively work together in partnership to achieve the inclusive vision
  • positive images of and attitudes towards all our pupils are developed in the community in order to access their right be included in that community
    difference and diversity is valued, understood, embraced and celebrated and the whole learning community is respected and valued with any discrimination opposed and rigorously challenged
  • a caring community is based on fair, understanding and compassionate relationships
  • equal access is provided for all pupils, staff, parents/carers and other members of the school community to the physical environment of the school
  • the school and the pupils are placed firmly in the mainstream of educational provision and at the centre of community life